Solar and wind energy: the feasible future

2 min readJun 7, 2021

The Carbon Tracker Initiative has released a new white paper titled ‘The sky’s the limit’. Here are three key things you should know!

There is a huge new cheap energy resource available.

Wind and solar technologies are a huge resource to be tapped into. At least 6,700 PWh p.a. can be captured from them. What’s amazing about this is that this more than 100x the global energy demand.

People will take advantage of the cheap energy.

It’s a simple rule of thumb. The service or product which is kinder to the pocket sells, and it sells fast.

We know that humans specialise in extracting cheap energy (evidenced by the speedy development of shale gas). Now, solar and wind energy shall grow leaps and bounds too.

The tide is coming in fast.

“The technical and economic barriers have been crossed and the only impediment to change is political. Sector by sector and country by country the fossil fuel incumbency is being swamped by the rapidly rising tide of new energy technologies”.

This is something I’m interested in reading more about. I have questions about the divide that is sure to come about between the Global North and Global South. Comment down below on your thoughts regarding this, I’d love to know!

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Masters at UoH, Eco. Graduate- Azim Premji Uni. Interests - ESG Investing, Development Economics, Sustainable Development and Climate Change and Public Policy.